Preliminary processing equipment dragon fruit for export
This pre-processing is hiet has opened a competition for dragon fruit in the export blue dragon just achieve food safety, has been extended storage time from 28-30 to 40 -45 days. 
Thanks to preservation time is extended, dragon fruit can be transported by ship (instead of air) when exported to the European market, America. The shipping price significantly helped reduce costs, only costs about 40 cents / kg during transport by air takes close to 4 USD / kg. This is a research result has been successfully deployed by Germany KS.Nguyen School, Institute of electro-mechanical and agricultural post-harvest technology in Vietnam. 
The device has a processing capacity of 1.5 tons average dragon in an hour, can be adjusted to increase its capacity to 2.5 tons / hour. Package price for this pre-processing system 800 million. 
Equipment operating in accordance with the following: dragon fruit is placed in the trough and workers are automatically cleaned with water (wash dragon is no longer completely sticking impurities such as soil, sand, dust, types mushrooms); The next will be treated with chemicals (food safety); Next was dried (using compressed air injection system, combined blower and ultraviolet light to kill fungi); finally classified and preserved by PE film (perforated prescribed preserved fruit). During the drying dragon fruit, also stages the plant workers stand directly using pressure nozzles, spray the top of each dragon fruit dragon fruit to ensure clean standard safety food. The number of dragon fruit stalk is broken during washing and handling negligible. 
Initially the system was put into operation and every experimental results are very positive, good equipment operations, increase productivity compared to handmade, reduce labor costs, ensure the stability and quality volume during primary processing and preservation of dragon fruit.

Son Thuy


Our company has spent many years purchasing, pre-processing, packaging, preserving dragon fruits for export. Our main markets are Southeast Asian countries (especially China, Hong Kong, Thailand ...). That result comes from our extensive purchasing network in Binh Thuan province....

Delicacies from dragon fruit

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