SPS Vietnam: Vietnam's dragon fruit has reached an agreement to import into New Zealand

On 24.04.2014, the Ministry of Basic Industries of New Zealand (MPI) has announced the completion of health assessment standards for imports (Import Health Standard - IHS) on the left bar fresh fruit (fresh Dragon Fruit-Hylocereus spp.) imported from Vietnam. 
Under this provision, to be imported into New Zealand, standards compliance including import requirements for special dragon fruit from Vietnam to import the certificate Phytosanitary Agency national plant protection (NPPO) in Vietnam confirmed; Certificate to confirm the quarantine phytosanitary measures before such export shipments through processing by steam at low temperature is 46.5 ° C, over a period of less least 45 minutes in accordance with the conditions specified in Appendix 3, the agreement signed between the Ministry of Basic industries of New Zealand and the Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development of Vietnam.

Son Thuy


Our company has spent many years purchasing, pre-processing, packaging, preserving dragon fruits for export. Our main markets are Southeast Asian countries (especially China, Hong Kong, Thailand ...). That result comes from our extensive purchasing network in Binh Thuan province....

Delicacies from dragon fruit

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